Saturday, May 22, 2010

My Site

Well, obviously I have been terrible at keeping up with this blog, but it is hard when you live in the campo and have to travel 30 minutes to the nearest internet.  I mean, I have to hike up a damn mountain just to get cell phone service.  In reality, however, I can't complain much.  I like my little campo.  The people are nice and even though I can't understand anything they say they seem to like me.  Someday when I actually learn to understand Spanish it may even be an enjoyable place to be.  For now I am pretty much just chilling.  I sit in the galleria and read, and try to understand the crazy old ladies that live in my house (one is 98 years old), but I don't really think they understand much of whats going on, just like me.  I also walk a lot, drawing maps and visiting with community members, all that good Peace Corps stuff.  However, every time I walk by the school next to my house I get hit on by 14-16 year old girls who have decided I really should probably go out with them.  Such is the life of a gringo in the DR.  All my friends are in elementary school and I am a heart throb in the young teen crowd.  Needless to say it was a much needed trip to Santiago today, and hopefully this Spanish thing starts clicking sometime soon, si dios quiere.  Until next time vaya con dios amigos.